I've been meditating on the whole body, mind, soul connection. Now I love to work out, so the exercise is not that hard for me, but when I am tired or not feeling well, I can find every excuse not to go. Then there is the issue of food. Not so much how much I eat, as what I eat. If left to myself I would grab snack food, candy, or cookies, before I would make a meal for myself. Then of course there is the whole reason that I am eating. Is it because I am really hungry? or am I trying to fill an unmet need inside of me?
On the purely selfish side I want to be healthy and want to live a life that is full of energy and good health. On the spiritual side, I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and I want to be used of God, ready and strong to do what He is calling me to do. I want to live a long life of service to Him, for His glory.
If I make good choices regarding my food, and physical health my life is going to be more fulfilling. I am going to feel better, and I am going to be ready physically for what the Lord has for me. I do have a chronic illness that I have to maintain, and because of it I do have to work through pain issues and fatigue....However I am responsible for caring for this body/temple of the Holy Spirit, with no excuses. I can eat right and exercise, keep at a healthy weight so I am not physically hindered, and get enough sleep each night. My illness doesn't keep me from these things, but my attitude does. In fact my illness is not as bad because I make healthy choices.
With such crazy lives today, most people I believe are not taking the time to eat right, exercise, or get enough sleep. I make it a daily practice to get 7-8 hours of sleep, I do prepare healthy meals 3x a day, and I do exercise 5 days a week, whether I feel like it or not. The blessings from these three practices have brought huge benefits to my life. All of my life is better when I feel better physically. All three of these practices bring me ENERGY, thus enabling me experience life to the full! I can hear you saying I don't have time to do this, or I have small children, or my family won't cooperate......It's not dependent on them for you to do this today...this is about you and what choices YOU and going to make for YOU!
God loves you, and wants the best for you...the real question is, do you believe it, and will you care for yourself in the light of that love?