Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Don't move, stay right there. With the stop sign on the bus we know when to move, it's when the puts down the sign. We can then go around and continue on our way.  But life and making decisions isn't always that easy. We want to move forward but don't either know how to or when to. So we find ourselves instead not just stopping , but STUCK. Frozen in the futility of our own thinking. So what do we do? We can sit an ruminate over the problem until we make ourselves and everyone around us sick, or we can take steps forward to move out of the mess.  I have found that asking for help is the first step, and finding a target the next step. What am I trying to achieve. A small,  specific, measurable target is often a great way to get me moving forward again with action steps on how to get there. 

1 comment:

  1. Works for me when I work it! Thanks for helping me move forward. God truly is using you in my life my precious friend.
