Monday, January 10, 2011

Without the right motive, whatever it is that we are doing quickly becomes a burden and we fall away.
How much of what we do is a reaction to life, rather than a response to the Life in me?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who I am

In my quest to stay consciously connected to the Lord continually, I am finding who I am. It's interesting that Jesus said "those who wish to find life, must lose their lives".
In this world of knowledge and the quest of discovering self and finding purpose, we are ignoring the ONE who gave us life and knows us intimately well. The harder we are try in ourselves to find our life and our purpose the farther we get away from the "Life" that we were created for and so long to have.
God created me/us. I/we were created in His image. I believe this, and am discovering that the more that I know God, the more I know myself. So instead of trying to get to know who I am, it is through knowing God more intimately every day that I am seeing myself and how He created me. He shows me who I am in Him, and who He is growing me to be. It is here that I am finding true life. Life is in Him and through Him. He is the giver and author of life...and I am continuing to find me and my life day by day in HIM, in our time together, and through His life in me.