Thursday, April 30, 2009


Keep first things first and seconds will happen. Do second thing first and first never happens. 
What are the priorities of your life? Do you treat them as such? or do they get pushed to the back burner on the "I'll get it list" of tomorrow? How would each day be different if we were to do the most important things first. The rest would still happen. I have found that when I put off my priorities and fill my time with all the other stuff, that I end up never getting to the things that were most important, and I end up feeling less than satisfied with my day. 
What are those things that matter most to you? For me it's quiet reflective time with the Lord, my husband, relationships, and then that order. I can say first hand that it doesn't just happen that way, I have to organize my life to reflect what I care about most, and some days it can be a struggle. It seems that the urgent threaten to push out the important. However, When I keep first things first, second, third and fourth always happen. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I love the beach. Love the ocean. For me it is instant peace and serenity. It doesn't matter what may be going on but being at the beach brings me to the feet of Jesus, to sit at His feet and to hear HIS voice. 
Over the last year with the onset and then treatment of Mike's cancer, I have found myself evaluating my values and priorities . Looking at my God given values and passions that make me who I am. One of those values is JOY. What brings JOY to my life is the Lord, and yet it is not only through knowing that HE loves me and cares for me, but through nature and creativity that I experience HIS JOY. This pure Joy that permeates my being and fills me up to overflowing. Nature, painting, taking pictures, being outside working in the dirt, being at the beach brings me right into the arms of my CREATOR and JOY abounds within my soul. I have always known I love being outside, but living such a busy life, I was not intentional about bringing more of these times of JOY with God into my life, but enjoyed them as they presented themselves. I am intentional now...on a regular basis, in fact everyday bringing these JOY filled experiences to my life, if it only means being out in my garden pulling weeds. I have always been a happy person, and loved life....but now I feel that I am living it to the FULL!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The hills are alive

The hills are alive with the sound of music! All of creation singing out to God in all their glory and splendor. Our lives too are created to sing a song. We were created to make a difference in this world, living with purpose.  Just as nature sings and calls out to Him, God created us to sing HIm a new song with our lives to the Glory of Him who created us. 
Today my heart is full of the beauty that is around me singing back to Him of how grateful I am to be alive and live in such a beautiful world.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Grow up. The apostle Paul says that we are to grow up and no longer be stuck in the futility of our own thinking. And yet it is easy to get stuck in my feelings and what I believe to be true, which might just be a distortion of what really is. We all have wrong thinking at times and all have blind spots in our lives. 
How much of what I think is true? how many of my perceptions are reality? Or am I busy trying to adjust God and the world to fit the way I want things to be, rather than accepting life on life's terms and changing my distorted thinking into the reality of what really is. 
God's word says that we are to transform and renew our minds, not conforming to the pattern of this world, but instead to run the race that HE has marked before us. My race is different than yours. Each of us has an individual race to run and a purpose to live. Although we all are to grow, and change into maturity in Christ, our paths are different. 
I know that Life coaching can help find the path, purpose and the blind spots in our lives that keep us in the futility of our own thinking. 

Monday, April 13, 2009


Why life coaching? Because life coaching is forward moving, and it's for people that are ready to change. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather, facing our fears and daring to do something different in the midst of our fears. Do you believe that you were made for a purpose? Do you believe that you have choices and that you can change? Then Life coaching is for you! Click on the flower at the bottom of the page and it will lead you straight to my web page....